Flyer announcing the new branch
The population of Buea, capital of the South West Region will in the days ahead enjoy the new branch of Azire Co-oporative credit Union limited.
The new branch which is open to serve the population of Buea and its environs, will be inaugurated on Saturday June 4, 2022 by the Dynamic President of AziCCUL Barister Divine Momuluh who is determine to expand the Coorperation to serve the common man wherever they maybe.
The Buea branch which is located at UB Junction in Molyko the heart of Buea comes to add to the branches in Kumba, Douala, Yaounde, Bafoussam, Mbengwi and Bamenda.
With the over 51 thousand and more membership, the population of Buea are encourage to join the leading micro finance institutions in Cameroon created in 1968 with the main aim of alleviating poverty.
AziCCUL offer services like individual saving account, group account, minor account, various loan facilities, daily saving, western union money transfer, payment of salaries for public and private sector, internal money transfer, payment of electricity bills, Mobile money transfer, pre-paid visa card, treatment of standing orders with other banks.
Belonging to AziCCUL is very simple, get close to any branch office of your choice with a minimum amount of 37000frs , two passport photos, photocopy of national identity card or a passport copy and you are good to be part of the great family. For those of you in the Diaspora, you can still be AziCCUL account holder, all you need do is to write to the E-mail address ( and a staff will take care of your account opening.
By Arnaud Kouamo
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