A post with IDPs |
The Refugee Welfare Association Cameroon dubbed REWAC has joined other NGO’s accross the Globe to commemorate the World Refugee Day 2020 with a call on Internally Displaced Persons of the Bayelle neighbourhood in Nkwen Bamenda III Subdivision to speak out when they face threats to their livelihoods especially when it concerns Gender Based Violence.
REWAC staff and Partners |
REWAC in solidarity to the Internal Displaced persons of the Bamenda III Council area who converged at the Full Gospel mission Cameroon House of Grace Bayelle, schooled them on the different types of forcibly displaced persons existing in the world which includes: Refugees, Asylum seekers, IDP’s, Stateless persons and Returnees.
IDPs in Bamenda |
REWAC which has always accompanied IDP’s who have rights just as any human being, as part of its activities encourages and ensures enclosure with a focus on vulnerable persons and helping to rebuild their lives, food security, advocates on the rights of vulnerable migrants, trains and empowers with focus on all SDG’s and identifies street children.
The Non-Governmental Organization with prospects of changing the lives of displaced persons focused its theme on Supporting Refugees and Ensuring their Inclusion in Society and Helping them Rebuild their Lives. “We have been working with refugees and have been taking the steps, so today we are saying to the world that we are expressing our solidarity to refugees for their courage throughout the challenges which they have been going through during this period. We stand today with refugees to encourage and say we give tributes to all the refugees all over the world today. Every stakeholder, individuals, neighbors and friends should take this step with refugees to support them for any little assistance will go a long way to help them as they try to regain stability because they have been displaced and have to start life all over again.” Project manager at REWAC Jingko Laura said.
IDPs receiving assistance |
The IDP’s were schooled on GBV as refugees and or IDP’s are vulnerable to such cases of gender based violence. Rape and assault are very common among refugees and reporting such cases are very necessary reasons why REWAC exhorted the IDP’s to speak out such that they are taken care of properly while parents were told not to give their children to people they do not know thereby shifting their responsibilities to others. The men were not left out as they were advised to join the He For She campaign in advocating to stop GBV.
The Mandela Voluntary Foundation, MANVOFCAM partnering with REWAC to celebrate the day had its CEO Atigi Samuel explaining to the IDP’s the untold sufferings of the refugees from Cameroon who are in neighbouring Nigeria and advised them to remain special in the eyes of God.
World Refugee Day is commemorated every June 20 and this year’s theme is ‘Step with Refugees- Take a Step’
by Tasi Peter
Congratulations to you all for the great job you have been doing out there and may the good God continue to bless and grant your heart desires as you protect the poor in this trying times out there.