August Highlights: World Leaders 'Smoke The Peace Pipe' Under The Canopy Of UPF

August is a special month which signifies re-birth in most parts of the world, and August 2022 wasn't going to be any different from the perspective of the Universal Peace Federations, as leaders clustered at the 2022 summit and leadership conference, to collective affirm their support for global peace building, especially on the Korean Peninsula. World peace in every sense of the world equally correlates with religious freedom, explaining why the talks of the Universal right for religious freedom were equally tabled, plus, the education of youths in Africa, seen as a continent yet to tap to it's full potential, due to a large number of persons between the ages of 13-21, preferring to 'hustle' their ways with small businesses, rather than, hold the book and a pen. Over 100 Influential spokespersons; including past and current country presidents emerged across the globe; former US president Donald Trump and incumbent Nigeria president Muhammadu Buhari queued up amongst ...