
Showing posts from December, 2021


 *End of year address from the Managing Director of Camraise Academy* Arnaud Kouamo, Managing Director Camraise Academy  Accept end of year greetings from myself and from the entire team of Camraise Academy.  The year 2021 was a year full of successes as well as Challenges at the Academy. In January 2021 the Academy was suppose to launch her activities at the Bamenda central prison with a mini-Concert with the prisoners, however that was not possible due to the Corona Virus and other challenges which limited us to carryout that particular activity at the Bamenda Central prison. After serveral meetings with some partners and supporters who bought the idea with all their heart, it wasn't possible for the activity to go through due to the aforementioned reason. Still in January we planned to organise the 9th edition of Camraise Music Show (CAMUSH 9) with the date and flyers released, unfortunately for us the socio-Political crisis that has lasted for over 5 years now in Bame...


New look of AziCCUL head office in Bamenda. After close to 54 years of existence, Azire Cooperative Credit Union with an estimated membership of 50,000 has seen alot of innovations with the coming of Divine Momuluh at the helm of the Coorperative Credit Union. His election on Saturday October 15, 2020 during the 51st Annual General meeting of AziCCUL, Barister Divine Momuluh promise to transformed the pharse of the Credit Union. Barrister Divine Momuluh  "I want to say that history has been made here at Azire Co-oporative Credit Union, that I Barrister Momuluh Divine has been elevated as the youngest President ever to head one of the biggest Credit Unions in the entire Cameroon.We will work to maintain the status of Azire Co-oporative credit union, so that at the end we all will enjoy the benefit of belonging to the Union". He made this statement immediately after his election. A crossection of members during the last AGM Inorder to meet up with the present changes in the di...